by Joe Siccardi
A strange thing happened today. As usual, I deliver my newspapers on Thursday. At my first stop, I entered the store whistling a happy tune … and spent the next five minutes engaged in conversation.
Next stop. I entered the store whistling a happy tune … and spent the another five minutes engaged in conversation. Next stop … same thing. Now. In full disclosure, I usually say “Good morning” or “How’s it going” when I enter the stores. And the proprietor or clerk responds in kind, “Good morning” or “Okay, You?” But it’s in and out, strictly utilitarian. This week was different. The conversations were extended. So, stop by stop, I intentionally went into the stores with a whistle and a smile. And each time my in and out time was extended. Conversations included jubilation or disapproval of Tuesday’s election results; the weather and how we dodged a bullet with Sandy; the latest castaway on Survivor; the state of affairs in the publishing world; the latest sale at Walmart; and a final construction update on road repairs on Cayuga Street. And it wasn’t just with the clerks. Customers on line joined in. At one stop, Have You Ever Seen the Rain? was cranking out on the radio {maybe a little loud} when I got out of the car with my accompanying whistle. A guy three cars down {I told you it was loud} yells out, “CCR” and gives me a big thumbs up. Next thing I know he’s following me into the store telling me about his Woodstock experience. My day stretched by close to an hour … but, you know, it was all good. Generally speaking, I am not an extrovert. I’m not afraid of engaging in conversation, but not until I get to know someone. So this was somewhat of a new experience. And it all started with a whistle and a smile. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Remember, you don’t have to impress anybody. You don’t have to prove who you are. You are a child of the Most High God, anointed, equipped, empowered. |
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